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Best Practices and Tips for Google News Publishers

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The number one question was receive from publishers is generally how they can increase their traffic from Google News. Here are some best practices and tips for publishers who want more success on Google News.

The WordPress News Plugin will ensure most of these best practices are met. However, some of this falls in the realm of theme design. If you need a website review, then contact us to get a quote.

Headlines and Date Format

Below are a list of best practices from Publisher Help Center. But the name of the game here is to publish and format headlines clearly.

Show the date the article first appeared on your site. If the sitemap doesn’t include a date for the article, the article won’t be included in Google News. The WordPress News Plugin will always include the publication date. But if you’re not using it, then you’ll likely see a “Date not found” or “Date too old” error for the article in Search Console.

Updating Articles

UPDATING STORIES: Do not update a story without adding significant information, unless you have another valid reason. Do not create a very slightly updated version of a story from one previously published, then delete the old story and redirect to the new one. That practice is against Google News article URLs guidelines.

Duplicate Content

Google News elevates independent, original content. They do not allow duplicate content—including scraped, rewritten, or republished content. If it slips by them, they will try to ensure the original content is ranked higher than what they may view to be duplicate content. Below are publishing guidelines they offer:


Additional Publisher Tips